Affichage des articles dont le libellé est BROODTHEARS Marcel. Afficher tous les articles
Affichage des articles dont le libellé est BROODTHEARS Marcel. Afficher tous les articles

12 déc. 2013


Hello. Hello this really works. Hello this is Gov. Ronald Reagan of California. Yes amazing. Neat stuff. I thought I would say hello whilst we are waiting. This is mb. Hello Marcel. Who are we waiting for. Im Edward. Hello. Hi Ed. Call me Ron. Hi Ron you dont mind do you. Hello Edward. Well Im told we are waiting for Jane Fonda. No my wife calls me Ronnie. Jane Fonda. Really. Well Ill be. Interesting line up. Hello everyone. Oh Jane. Shes quite something. Yes certainly. A woman of many talents and interests from what I hear. Bit controversial too around these parts. Oh really. Hanoi Jane and all that. Oh Ron come one. You cant stand lefties can you. Oh lets not reduce ourselves to labels Ed. Right. Left. Whats it all mean anyway. No labels Ron. No labels. Yes acting has made you wise. Oh I dont know about that. I wonder how long she will be. Well perhaps we can start without her. What are we starting anyway. I say we give her a few minutes. Im not clear on the point of this exercise. Well I think we are testing the possibilities of this device. I understand it is to be launched much more widely soon. I suspected Jane will be the celebrity endorsement. Marcel I hope there is more to it than that. OK but why us. Well think about the implications. Imagine what something like this would offer to the world. What are the implications. This will revolutionize they way people do business. Culture perhaps. Someone from Japan can have a conversation with someone from California. What about China. Wouldnt you rather pick up the phone and call. All this damned typing. You get faster. Yes I would but if it were to be cheap and inexpensive. Free. Free. Well who pays for it in the end of though. The people of course. You mean taxes. I assume you are in a military communication centre like me.  Both of you. But for a young man or woman in Sri Lanka this might help them voice their ideas to people like a university professor from Michigan or an architect from Bahia. The rich should pay. I do see the value in this tool. How do you think these kinds of stronger connections with the world will benefit you Ronald. Personally. Oh maybe I could keep in better touch with people I know who are far away. But I prefer face to face conversations to really do my work. Seems like an interesting business opportunity. And what about for your citizens in California? But if a student of mine wanted to go to Iran they wouldnt have the money but they could discuss issues with Iranian students using this thing. Students I think could benefit from this greatly. Yes I can imagine. Vaste networks of students. Networks. What does that mean really. Youth must be provide with the means to grasp this opportunity. Sounds a bit out of control to me. Sounds suspicious. The young will grasp its potential in a way we couldnt imagine. I dont doubt that. You agree with me Ronald. Well yes. And what will it lead to Marcel. Other networks with more power will already have control. The things that really change the world are not always predictable. Who knows. Looks like Jane wont be showing up for a while. But you both must agree there is a great potential here. Yes potential. Yes and no. But who builds it. Who fosters it. Private enterprise must be encouraged to make this availabe. Everything is double edged or more. It should be encouraged to be freely available. This might certainly be more interesting and stimulating than television though. Marcel nothing is free you know. I am always in support of the act of writing. No matter how banal. I know Ronald . I know. We have your great nation to thanks for this. Is this being documented and archived. Yes Marcel I do believe you have much to thank this great nation for. Indeed. Marcel but dont forget Im American too. America is great nation. New nations always speak this way. How American are you Edward. I can think of no other nation that has contributed as much to ideas of democracy and free enterprise as my own. Everything vital in this century and probably the next will be fought out in this country in America because thats where antagonism will always rest. Yes Ed our ideals must be fought for. Well I can see we feel expressive in a way we can never be on a telephone. Im always from a place that I dont know. Sounds philosophical to me. But I like that I know what I know about where I am. What do you know about where you are. And why do you like it. If you live with a horrible woman nasty and vengeful for exemple. You know a lot about her. No never. But because she is clear about her nastiness or does a bad job about hiding it you can sleep in her arms at night. Indeed. I think like this very often. Every time I open an exhibition for example. Really. Mostly. To be an artist is to be sado-masochistic. Yes I can relate to that. Occasionally nauseating but often thrilling. It is why I work at home more and more. So it is with politics perhaps. And acting. Do tell Ronald. And we can ask Jane about when she arrives. Yes but politicians have too litle doubt. For artists doubt is the drug that keeps them alive. No there is doubt. How. But one must get elected in order to be able to do the work and that requires the appearance of no doubt. But appearances then become style Ron. I move beyond my doubts through the certainty of my ideals and beliefs. Do I have style Ed. You got it Ron. Sex appeal. What about you Marcel do you have beliefs and ideals that cannot be shaken. I am feeling more and more that the domestic space is the only space people have left. Im not sure Im following. The only space to be free. I think you understand me well Edward. Yes I do. I know how I feel when  Im back at our ranch. Makes sense Marcel. And I think you understand me well too Mr Reagan. For those that do not have a ranch. Yes, but Im for a space of freedom that cover that entire world. This is why I became governor. And who know what else. I took a peep at the Superbowl the other day and it was just amazing, its a space where everything and anything can be sold, it works on desires, the only place where one can control ones desires to a certain extent is a place of seclusion. Who decides on this freedom. Corporates of course. Liberty must be defended and secured by freely elected governments. Western corporates. Corporations must be free to compete as well yes. You sound cynical Ed. Why do you think this is Ronald. Where is Jane. Shes missing all the fun. Shes running late but definately on her way I understand. So gentlemen this has still not officially started. Am I right we are supposed to have a moderator for a proper conversation between the four of us. Yes indeed. A kind of virtual conference. And what are we meant to talk about. Who's the moderator. Ron you dont know. No I dont. I think her name is Maeve OReilly  Maybe we dont need a moderator after all. Cut out the middleman so to speak. Yes to use a scrubber or the soap directly. So why did you give up acting Mr Reagan. Oh simple really I wanted to serve my country. I wanted to do more. And how easy was it for someone like you to get into politics. It was gradual. But of course people knew who I was, which helps. Have you ever been to Europe. And people believed enough in me to help  I think this device is amazing. I am feeling quite emotional. I hope it can be used as a force to liberate. It would be great if we could play music through it. Its not about the device its about whose taking control of it. Well I think the people should be allowed. Agreed. Id look forward to the time when this technology is placed in the hands of business people and inventors and entrepreneurs. Then it will really take off. Music is much better for the world to have as something distributed through a device like this than works constructed by memories we cant control or have a little control of. Music is entertaining but there can so much more. Like sharing beliefs. Music is not just entertaining Ron. Music gives us much more than entertainment. Perhaps but thats not something I know much about. Of course I enjoy music. My work is to create a system that protect and allow for the spread of liberty and self realization. Music is the spice of life as they say but its not the meat. Can someone find out when and if Jane is coming. I hear Jane is close by. It would be strange to communicate with her with no face no voice. But still incredible. You know I dont know what you and Ed look like. I wonder how she will feel about this. We all know Janes appearance though. Strange to think about it. Thats true. Shes a star. More famous than any of us. Did you see Barbarella. Of course. Very nice acting sharp lady. A new breed of actor I think. But I imagine you might not always appreciate her views Mr Reagan. No I dont care much for communist sympathizers to be frank. But surely she is liberated in her freedom to do so. If ones liberty threatens to undermine the liberty of millions of Americans then I must disagree Marcel. She was photographed sitting atop a North Vietnamese gun you know. Ron communism is a brand like that burger chain. Whats it called. The important thing is to always remember that all brands can be good and bad and in the middle. Everything is actually more in the middle than we would like to think. I cant imagine the good in the brand of Communism. Im not a communist myself but because I feel you understand Communism as an Other. A different thing radically so than your beliefs. Im simply trying to say that perhaps its not that different in the end. All politics control in one way or another. Thats a good point Edward. Can you even tell us what communism is Mr Reagan. Its the suppression of liberty in the name of a common good. And what will the world be like in the future. Edward. Mr Reagan. what will the future look like. If we as a nation as people around the world who believe in individual liberty we stand strong and united in the defence of democratic idealshen I believe the world can be stable and secure where individuals can be free to pursue their lives to the fullest. It will not be easy. Who do you ask Marcel. If Ronald thinks everyone can be free with a liberty that is not suppressed then I suppose that we will be in heaven. Most likely a technological heaven. I ask as I know that chasing ideals will always fail. Nobody really knows what is going on. Ronald doesnt seem to think so. Who are we if we lose our ideals. To strive for them is noble. It makes us great. I'm sorry for you Marcel if you truly do not strive for ideals. I am saddened by your blind faith Mr. Reagan. My ideals. The ideals that I strive for are uncertain. I cant define them like you do Ron and they always change. My faith is not blind. I have nearly 200 years of the history of my country to give my support in the pursuit of these ideals that have made us strong and succesful. How do you measure success. Ours is a thriving democracy and it guarantees liberty for its citizens. We are leaders among other nations. Yes but you didnt answer my question. How do you measure success. Edward I am curious as to your thoughts on the freedom to express. I measure it in our prosperity and in our influence on the world stage. Just what I expected from you Governor. And what about you Marcel. Europe I hope is learning its lessons from history. But I still sense the unknown. For better or for worse. Jesus gentlemen you cant see outside of your Western boxed egos can you. We live on a bloody planet here. Please explain. I dont follow you Ed. Youre a Westerner too arent you. When I asked you how you measure success I got a replay about America and the world stage and another about Europe and its history. Im a human being. I try to see the world from as many perspectives as possible. It matters where you live. What nation you live in. Are you saying that all perspectives are equal. Its not about equality. I am not John Lennon. I hear Jane Fonda has arrived. Finally. Jane will understand me I hope.

marcel broodthears, edward said, ronald reagan, arpanet, 1975